Cracking the Code to Making More Money

Episode 516: Cracking the Code to Making More Money – LaJoy Cox

Are you struggling with where your business is now versus where you would like for it to be?  When was the last time you stepped back to evaluate your focus and the intentionality behind what you do?

In episode 516 of The Bokeh Podcast, LaJoy Cox joins us to share her strategies for helping photography business owners reach their goals and beyond!  Listen in to hear not only the mindset that photographers need to have, but also practical steps that they can take to move forward and make more money!

Keywords to Maximize SEO
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Episode 515: How to Use Keywords to Maximize SEO – Kyle Goldie

Keywords: the words potential clients use when searching for a photographer! Are you including keywords on your website that will actually drive traffic to your business?

Kyle Goldie is here to explain how to strategize in order to find and use the best keywords for your website!  Listen in to episode 515 as he shares the types of keywords to use, as well as tools for monitoring not only your own site, but also your competitor’s in order to stay at the top of the list.

How to Maximize Styled Shoots cover image

Episode 514: How to Maximize the Value of Styled Shoots – Leandra Caprini-Rosica

shoots can be maximized to grow relationships and ultimately your business!

Take the lead from Lendra Caprini-Rosica in episode 514 of the Bokeh Podcast, and begin creating styled shoots with the goal of building relationships! Listen in as she shares several opportunities that photographers can capitalize on through these shoots in order to build those relationships that matter!

Sunshine Miller Bokeh Podcast
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Episode 513: Brand Position Consultation – Sunshine Miller

What are you doing to stand out amongst the throngs of photographers in your market? A strong, distinct brand positioning is a great place to start.

In episode 513 of the Bokeh Podcast, Sunshine Miller of Natural Sunshine Photography joins us to explore how she can capitalize on her unique location as a way to grow her business. Listen in to hear the recommendations and ideas that will help her stand out from her competition!