Healthy Self-Care for Photographers

Episode 528: Healthy Self-Care for Photographers – Courtney L. Porter, LCSW

As entrepreneurs, we tend to put everything BUT ourselves as a priority. How can we successfully build a business while still taking care of ourselves and those that we care about?

Courtney L. Porter, LCSW shares with us the strategies that she teaches her clients for practicing healthy self-care in order to better serve others. Listen in to episode 528 of the Bokeh Podcast to hear how to balance self-care with work and life responsibilities in order to improve your life both personally and professionally.

Grow Your Business
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Episode 527: Get Out of Your Way and Grow Your Business – Twyla Jones

Do you feel stuck in your work or business? Do you browse social media and wish you or your business were as “successful” as other photographers?

Twyla Jones is here to tell you how to stop playing the comparison game, be brave, and do your thing! Listen in to episode 527 of The Bokeh Podcast to hear the hard truths about the behaviors you may be exhibiting that are causing you to feel stuck, and strategies that you can put into play that can help you to break out of that rut in order to grow your business!

5 Principles to Transform Your Wedding Photo Business

Episode 526: 5 Principles to Transform Your Wedding Photo Business – Daniel Moyer

“Referrals are the foundation of the marketing pyramid.” – Daniel Moyer, Bokeh Podcast episode 526.
If you’re not using your current and past clients as the main source of your marketing efforts, you are missing out on a massive opportunity.

In episode 526 of the Bokeh Podcast, Daniel Moyer shares his technique for building relationships with his clients that go beyond the traditional client/photographer interaction and engagement. Listen in to hear how his deep relationships have not only helped build connections with his current clients, but have also been the main source of his future referrals.

Workflow for High-Volume Wedding Photographers

Episode 525: Workflow for High-Volume Wedding Photographers – Rick Liston

Managing a photography business is an art, but managing a high-volume wedding photography business takes that to a different level. How can one person manage all of the moving parts necessary to keep one moving forward?

In episode 525 of The Bokeh Podcast, Rick Liston shares the processes he has developed for his high-volume wedding photography business that have allowed him to manage 100-weddings per year – and keep his sanity. Listen in to hear the pre-and post-wedding workflow strategies for delegating and streamlining the time-consuming tasks that bog down photographers.