Brand Position Statement
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Episode 544: Brand Position Consultations: Where Are They Now? – Whitney Smith

Have you ever wondered what happened with our former Brand Position Consultation guests following their episodes? Did they make changes to their brand position statement, website, or marketing efforts that resulted in growth for their business?

You’re in luck! Our new series, “Where Are They Now?” welcomes back some of our former Brand Position Consultation guests so that we can check in to hear all of the details! In episode 544 of The Bokeh Podcast, Whitney Smith is back to share how the changes she made helped to triple the revenue for her part-time photography business!

How to Apply Constructive Criticism in your Business
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Episode 543: How to Apply Constructive Criticism in Your Business – Anna Wright

In episode 543 of The Bokeh Podcast, Anna Wright shares strategies for not only how to seek constructive criticism for your business, but how to find the right person to provide that feedback to you! Listen in to hear her steps for connecting with a mentor and creating the expectations for the feedback process.

Building Community for Marketing

Episode 542: Building Community for Marketing – Katelyn Workman

Are you consistently searching for how to best market your photography business? Do you try all of the latest trends on social media and follow what everyone else is doing only to feel like you’re spinning your wheels, and doing it alone?

Katelyn Workman is here for episode 542 of The Bokeh Podcast to bring us back to the basics with marketing – build a community and engage authentically! Listen in to hear principles driving this philosophy, as well as 3 simple steps that photographers can take to start building community today!

how to create emotionally evocative images

Episode 541: How to Create Emotionally Evocative Images – Robert Hill

evocative images? Robert Hill says, “To capture intimacy, you must create intimacy.”

Robert joins us for episode 540 of The Bokeh Podcast to explain the necessary steps photographers must take to create a sense of vulnerability and intimacy with couples in order to capture not only a beautiful image, but an emotionally driven image. Listen in to hear his tips for how to create this environment of trust and openness with clients.