Healthy Self-Care for Photographers

Episode 528: Healthy Self-Care for Photographers – Courtney L. Porter, LCSW

As entrepreneurs, we tend to put everything BUT ourselves as a priority. How can we successfully build a business while still taking care of ourselves and those that we care about?

Courtney L. Porter, LCSW shares with us the strategies that she teaches her clients for practicing healthy self-care in order to better serve others. Listen in to episode 528 of the Bokeh Podcast to hear how to balance self-care with work and life responsibilities in order to improve your life both personally and professionally.

How Creativity and Productivity Can Coexist

Episode 520: How Creativity and Productivity Can Coexist – Kalla Ramberg

The “hustle life” of putting your head down and knocking out tasks can drain you of your creativity. How can you ensure that you are finding ways to mix creativity into your productive work life?

In episode 520 of The Bokeh Podcast, Kalla Ramberg shares her strategies for finding ways to infuse creativity into her daily tasks, and makes intentional decisions for her business that allow that creativity to shine through. Listen in to hear tips for finding the flow that will allow you to avoid the burnout that comes from focusing on productivity and neglecting your creative drive.

How to Get Rid of Overwhelm

Episode 505: How to Get Rid of Overwhelm – Aja White

“You need to work more.” “The house isn’t clean enough – why are you resting when you should be cleaning?” We all have that inner critic that we tend to listen to, causing us to feel overwhelmed and always “busy.”

As business owners, it is easy to get caught up in feeling stressed and overwhelmed, causing us to run our businesses in a way that is not productive. In episode 505 of The Bokeh Podcast, Aja White of Fur and Lace Photography shares not only what causes us to feel overwhelmed, but also practical tools for helping to change our mindset in order to be more positive and productive in life and business!

How to Move Forward from Adversity

Episode 500: How to Move Forward from Adversity – Dee and Kris Robinson

The adversities of 2020 caused suffering in multiple areas of life – both personal and professional. How can we move forward from those experiences to get back to a forward-moving, proactive life?

Dee and Kris Robinson were thrown not only into the pandemic, but also wildfires, riots that caused damage to their studio, racism, and more. In episode 500 of The Bokeh Podcast, Dee and Kris share with us how they dealt with both business and personal adversities, yet found opportunities to move forward and find positivity in times of struggle.