How to Overcome Introversion in Your Photography Business

Episode 568: How to Overcome Introversion in Your Photography Business – Cindy Ames

Have you asked yourself lately if what you’re doing in your life and your business is helping you move forward? 

In episode 568 of The Bokeh Podcast, Cindy Ames joins us to provide advice on how to move beyond introversion tendencies when running your photography business. Tune in to gain insight about behavioral tendencies, limiting beliefs, and ideas on how to shift your perspective to get the most out of your life and your business. 

How to Apply Constructive Criticism in your Business
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Episode 543: How to Apply Constructive Criticism in Your Business – Anna Wright

In episode 543 of The Bokeh Podcast, Anna Wright shares strategies for not only how to seek constructive criticism for your business, but how to find the right person to provide that feedback to you! Listen in to hear her steps for connecting with a mentor and creating the expectations for the feedback process.

Grow Your Business
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Episode 527: Get Out of Your Way and Grow Your Business – Twyla Jones

Do you feel stuck in your work or business? Do you browse social media and wish you or your business were as “successful” as other photographers?

Twyla Jones is here to tell you how to stop playing the comparison game, be brave, and do your thing! Listen in to episode 527 of The Bokeh Podcast to hear the hard truths about the behaviors you may be exhibiting that are causing you to feel stuck, and strategies that you can put into play that can help you to break out of that rut in order to grow your business!

Coexistence of Faith and Dedication in Business
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Episode 489: The Coexistence of Faith & Dedication in Building Business – Demetrius Neal

How can personal faith and values transcend into the world of business? Do the habits and tendencies that we possess in our personal lives also shape how we run a business? Loyalty, trust, honesty and intentionality are not only the core values on which Demetrius Neal built his business, but also the driving motivators in his personal life. Listen in to episode 489 of the Bokeh Podcast to hear how his faith and morals are at the foundation of his business, and how his work ethic is shaped by these…