My Top 3 Principles for Building a Business

Episode 559: My Top 3 Principles for Building a Business – Andre Brown

Yes, trips to Dubai and Cancun are exciting, fun, beautiful, and sunny (gosh we wish we were there), but how does a photographer, even without a large social media presence, become this successful? It’s all about the values cultivated behind the scenes that build a business!

In episode 559 of the Bokeh Podcast, Andre Brown speaks on the principles for building a business based on important values and multiple learning experiences. Tune in to hear all the amazing advice and insight on the importance of consistency, networking, and most of all, integrity!

How to Apply Constructive Criticism in your Business
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Episode 543: How to Apply Constructive Criticism in Your Business – Anna Wright

In episode 543 of The Bokeh Podcast, Anna Wright shares strategies for not only how to seek constructive criticism for your business, but how to find the right person to provide that feedback to you! Listen in to hear her steps for connecting with a mentor and creating the expectations for the feedback process.

How to Overcome New Business Challenges

Episode 530: How to Overcome New Business Challenges – Christora Osters

jobs, and many are starting their own businesses. But is it really that easy?

It can be if you follow the advice that Christora Osters gives in episode 530 of The Bokeh Podcast! Listen in to hear about some of the challenges and unexpected setbacks that most new business owners face, and also the proactive strategies for dealing with them. Heed the advice and you’ll be on your way to building and growing a successful company!

Dealing with Failure

Episode 497: Failure: Free Tuition to the School of Business – Madison Banks

We all make mistakes. How we respond to them determines whether we fail forward or fail backward. Madison Banks faced several moments of failure over the last few years, including being bullied on social media.  Listen in to episode 497 of The Bokeh Podcast to learn how she was proactive in her response to those situations, which allowed her to not only move forward, but also boost her business and personal growth to the next level. The Bokeh Podcast is brought to you by Photographer’s Edit: Custom Editing for the Professional Photographer. …