Episode 345: Brand Position Consultation – Anna Anderson
Over the last year at Bokeh Podcast, we have spent so much time reviewing brand positions, that we thought it was time to offer live brand consultations!
In this special series, we’ll be exploring how to develop brand positions based on principles derived from Donald Miller’s book, Building a Storybrand.
In episode 345 of the Bokeh Podcast, Nathan chats with Anna Anderson, a photographer in Madison, WI, to develop a brand position that captures her ability to create beautiful, comfortable moments for her couples. Listen in as they discuss Anna’s brand and develop a potential new brand position during this real-time consultation.
The Bokeh Podcast is brought to you by Photographer’s Edit: Custom Editing for the Wedding and Portrait Photographer. You can also subscribe to the Bokeh podcast on the Apple podcast app, follow on Spotify, add to your playlist on Stitcher, or listen on Overcast.
Show Notes
What is a Brand Position? (1:40)
Benefits of Brand Position (3:50)
A. Enables Potential Clients to Immediately Know Your UVP
B. Filters Irrelevant Potential Clients
C. Simplifies/Focuses Marketing Efforts
D. Encourages Better Time Management
Focusing on One Niche (9:51)
Anna’s Old Unique Value Proposition: Honest, Authentic, and a Damn Good Time (13:50)
Five Prompts Article: https://annamariecreative.com/my-five-go-to-posing-prompts-for-couples/
Researching Anna’s Competition (25:22)
Anna’s Current Brand Position: Wisconsin wedding photographer empowering couples through connection and vulnerability. (38:02)
Final Brand Position Statement: Helping You Feel at Home in Front of the Camera
Website Mockup & Notes:

1. I’m not a graphic designer 😊 This mockup is just meant to demonstrate how one might use a full-screen image to represent their brand, while incorporating a position statement in a visible location above the fold. Hire a graphic designer to do your website design and layout – helping you choose the image, font, and placement of text.
2. In an ideal world, an image with lots of negative space will make room for the logo and navigation to be more visible, and help draw the viewer’s eye to the brand position statement more readily.
3. It’s also good to consider how the image will work when in a mobile format. In this case, you might ask your web designer and/or developer to push image up near the mobile menu, and place the brand position statement right underneath it. This will assure that both are visible above the fold – even in a mobile format.