
Episode 605: How to Start a Photography Magazine – Mandy Lynn

Photography industry magazines have become quite dated in their design, which naturally means an opportunity to launch an alternative magazine! Photographer Mandy Lynn saw this opportunity and decided to take on the challenge of conceptualizing and publishing a new photography magazine called The Bokeh Effect. Listen in to learn the why and how behind the new magazine!

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Show Notes:

Mandy’s Introduction (2:10)

What was the motivation behind starting a photography magazine? (5:08)

How would Mandy sum up the difference between The Bokeh Effect magazine and other photography magazines? (15:45)

What did the process from ideation to publication look like and how long did it take? (28:33)

How does Mandy choose who/what to feature in the magazine? (33:46)

How can photographers learn more about the magazine and get a copy? (38:23)
